

Price Verifier Support Documentation

ScanVue Software Developer's Kit and Support

Set-up and User Guide for the ScanVue VF 5100-01 price verifier
Set-up and User Guide for ScanVue LCD 5000 (Web Client) Interactive Kiosk
Set-up and User Guide for ScanVue LCD 8000 Interactive Kiosk
Set-up and User Guide for ScanVue LCD 8000 (Web Client) Interactive Kiosk
ScanVue 5100 Price Verifier
ScanVue 5000 Interactive Kiosk
ScanVue 8000 Interactive Kiosk
ScanVue 5000 Interactive (Web Client) Kiosk
ScanVue 8000 Interactive (Web Client) Kiosk


Installation Software and Drivers (except low-cost LCD models)

IEE JavaPOS Driver Only
The files contained within the following IEEJavaPos-04-2003.zip archive file are the only files necessary to operate the IEE customer POS display on your JavaPOS enabled system
IEE JavaPOS Complete CD software
The IEE-Java-CD.zip archive file contains the complete set of Java support files and an IEE pole display test program. Download this file if you need to test your POS system in the case IEE's driver does not appear to operate the customer display correctly

USB Driver for Linux

USB Driver for Linux

USB Driver for Windows

Installation Instructions
Installation Instructions
PDK-4UP3, PDK-UP03, PC522-3415

USB Pole Display Driver for HP rp5700 Point of Sale System

Instructions for installing USB pole display driver for HP rp5700 Point of Sale System

Product Specifications and Flyers

Vacuum Fluorescent Display Modules (VFD)

Latest RoHS Century Series 5 x 7 Dot Matrix Displays
Discontinued Century Series 5 x 7 Dot Matrix Displays
"No-Frills" Series, 2x20-5mm Display, RoHs Compliant

Atlas Display Mounting Hardware Dimension Sheets

LED Display Mounting Hardware Dimension Sheet
LCD Display Mounting Hardware Dimension Sheet

Operator Terminals / Mini-Terminals

PEP jumper configuration changes from model 04283-AX to model 04283-BX
Shows jumper setting changes for the VIP 4x20 model 03902-04 to model 03904-A4

Daystar Nova SBE (LCD) Modules

Parallel Interface, 4 lines x 20 characters, 12.1mm, Reflective Only - PDF File
Serial Interface, 4 lines x 20 characters, 12.1mm, Reflective Only - PDF File
Parallel Interface, 4 lines x 20 characters, 12.1mm, EL Backlight - PDF File
Serial Interface, 4 lines x 20 characters, 12.1mm, EL Backlight - PDF File
Parallel Interface, 4 lines x 20 characters, 12.1mm, LED Backlight - MS Word File
Serial Interface, 4 lines x 20 characters, 12.1mm, LED Backlight - MS Word File
Parallel Interface, 4 lines x 20 characters, 12.1mm, F/O Backlight - PDF File
Serial Interface, 4 lines x 20 characters, 12.1mm, F/O Backlight - PDF File

Retail Point of Sale Customer Display Kits

Serial - 2x20 VFD, 11mm, molded plastic Housing
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, extruded aluminum housing
Serial - 4x20 VFD, 9mm, extruded aluminum housing
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 5mm, extruded aluminum housing
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, extruded aluminum housing, EMAX protocol
Serial - 4x20 VFD, 5mm, extruded aluminum housing
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 11mm, extruded aluminum housing EPSON DM-D202 protocol, pass-through cabling system (DB-25 Connector)
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, extruded aluminum housing EPSON DM-D102 protocol
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 5mm, extruded aluminum housing EPSON DM-D102 protocol
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, extruded aluminum housing EPSON DM-D101 protocol, pass-through cabling system (DB-25 Connector)
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, extruded aluminum housing EPSON DM-D101 protocol, pass-through cabling system (DB-25 Connector)
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 5mm, extruded aluminum housing EPSON DM-D101 protocol, pass-through cabling system (DB-25 Connector)
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 11mm, Field configurable emulation of IEE, Aedex, Epson, molded plastic Housing
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 9 mm, extruded aluminum housing, Ultimate 220XL & Logic Controls PD3000 protocol
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 5 mm, extruded aluminum housing, Ultimate 220XL & Logic Controls PD3000 protocol
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 9 mm, extruded aluminum housing, AEDEX software emulation (PD220G), pass-through cabling system with DB-25 connector
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 5 mm, extruded aluminum housing, LOGIC CONTROLS emulation (PD3000)
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 9 mm, extruded aluminum housing, AEDEX software emulation (PD220G), display cabling only with DB-9 connector
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 5mm, extruded aluminum housing, Field configurable emulation of IEE, Aedex, Epson, Emax, Logic Controls or Ultimate
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, extruded aluminum housing, Field configurable emulation of IEE, Aedex, Epson, Emax, Logic Controls or Ultimate
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, plastic type-4 housing
Serial - 2x20 VFD, 5mm, plastic type-4 housing
Serial - 4x20 VFD, 5mm, plastic type-4 housing
Serial - LCD Graphic, monochrome, plastic type-4 housing
USB – Black/Yellow LCD Graphic, monochrome, plastic type-4 housing
USB – Blue/White monochrome 64x240 Graphic LCD, plastic type-4 housing, USB PlusPower
USB - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, USB, plastic type-4 housing
USB - 2x20 VFD, 5mm, USB, plastic type-4 housing
USB - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, IEE Protocol, USB POWERED No-Brick Reqd, plastic type-4 housing
USB - 2x20 VFD, 5mm, IEE Protocol, USB POWERED No-Brick Reqd, plastic type-4 housing
USB - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, IEE Protocol, USB POWERED No-Brick Reqd, extruded aluminum housing
USB - 2x20 VFD, 5mm, IEE Protocol, USB POWERED No-Brick Reqd, extruded aluminum housing
USB - 2x20 VFD, 11mm, molded plastic housing
USB - 2x20 VFD, 9mm, extruded aluminum housing
USB - 2x20 VFD, 5mm, extruded aluminum housing

Retail Point of Sale LCD Modules (Contact factory to configure pole display kit)

4x20 LCD, 5x8 dot matrix characters
2x6 LCD, GB Chinese character set with 16x16 dot matrix characters
2x15 LCD, Thai character set with 8x18 dot matrix characters
4x20 LCD, 5x8 dot matrix characters, fiber optic backlight
4x40 LCD, 5x8 dot matrix characters
2x12 LCD, GB Chinese character set with 16x16 dot matrix characters
2x30 LCD, Thai character set with 8x18 dot matrix characters
4x20 LCD, 5x8 dot matrix characters, 5Vdc
4x40 LCD, 5x8 dot matrix characters, 5Vdc